FireGPG's developers blog Archive

Development and news about FireGPG

FireGPG is able to send mails by smtp !

I used Gmail S/MIME classes and functions, and now I just have to implement openpgp/mime support :]

And then.. release ;)


Your new release is great. I love that you are now using openpgp/mime. And the new gmail buttons are much better. Great job!

BJ, 2009-01-21 23:09:21

Am I correct in assuming that in order to use FireGPG from entirely within GMail (via HTTP) one must still use plain text?

Eric Honaker, 2009-01-30 23:07:00

Yes. But smtp is very well integrated in mail (send mail are showed in send mail, etc.)

Maximilien Cuony [The_glu] , 2009-01-30 23:08:34